Kinesiology Tape for Horses: What brands are the best?

Kinesiology Tape for Horses: What brands are the best?

If you're familiar with kinesiology tape for horses and equine taping in general, you're probably wondering what tape is best to use.

This blog post will give you my two choices for the best tape for your horse as well as a few quick guides from me.

How kinesiology taping works on horses

Kinesiology tape is great for reducing pain, increasing movement, boosting blood flow, and improving performance.

The effects of the tape can be seen almost immediately after the tape is on the skin of the horse. I dive deep into kinesiology taping for horses and exactly how it works in a blog linked here. Check it out.

In short, Kinesiology taping for horses is a popular technique used to aid in reducing pain, enhancing movement, increasing blood circulation, and improving overall performance. It helps horses heal from injuries, avoid strains, and improve their physical abilities by supporting muscles and joints.

The tape is applied directly to the horse's skin, and its effects can often be observed almost immediately.

Additionally, the tape's elastic properties allow for a full range of motion, making it a versatile tool for equine athletes and rehabilitation.

What kinesiology tape is best for horses?

When considering the best kinesiology tape for horses, the two brands I recommend are Rocktape and Hestaband.

When I buy a product I of course want quality, but I want to support values and upright integrity in business as well.

These brands and the two humans that created the products are two of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet or talk to.

They’re people I’d want to do business with no matter what they were creating.

They’re the kind of people that sent me boxes of tape after my house burnt just because they’re that darn kind.

They both want the industry to grow. They love seeing more people learn how to tape horses.

They want progression of the entire modality - for everyone involved.

They genuinely love what they do and what people get to do with their product.

Each tape design has its own strengths and I teach to those in my class.

I will put my dollars toward companies that I believe in, that believe in me, and that are downright good humans behind the scenes.

I will suggest other brands if you are new to taping because the very best way to improve is to practice a lot!

If dollar signs are keeping you from practicing and improving your skill then by all means, I suggest going to Amazon and finding the cheapest stuff you can.

Improve your skill and technique. Do not wait until you need to be proficient in the application to try to apply for the first time.

Then go support the people that are supporting this industry.

This is not a paid or persuaded ad.

I just really am honored to know and work with such good people and love to promote their product.


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